April 2022 dates for the Diary

April 14th sees the President’s Coffee Morning. Mike Keats is looking forward to welcoming new and longer standing members to meet up between 10 and 12 to start his year of fundraising for Cancer Research.

The Club’s opening game of the season takes place on 19th April at 2pm, followed by fish and chips.

On 20th April and 21st April practice sessions begin for men and women, both starting at 2pm. Women’s practice sessions will then take place every Monday at 2pm.


Brian Beeston

X President’s Message 2023

My name is Brian Beeston and it is an honour and privilege to serve as President to Swanage Bowling Club.
I am 84 years old and have been a member of the Club for 20 years.

My charity for 2023 is Swanage Hospital and I hope that people will be able to give generously to such an important local cause.

I wish the Club every success in 2023, so let’s show what we can do and win, win, win!


Ladies’ Captain 2022


Jan Cherry

My introduction to bowling was in 2010 when I accompanied my partner to an Open Day.  It was going to be a retirement hobby for him but I was encouraged to ‘have a go’.  The rest is history – I was hooked!  Bowling is a great sport for everyone – singles, couples, any gender, young or old can all take part at any level – and its a good way of making new friends.

Hopefully covid is now going to allow us to get back to ‘normal’ and, as this year’s Ladies Captain, I look forward to building on last year’s success with existing ladies and to meeting new bowlers – there’s plenty of opportunity to take part in games and to progress.  


Men’s Captain 2022

My name is Tony Bell and I have been bowling at Swanage Bowling Club
for six years. I am very proud to be elected as men’s captain for 2022.
I look forward to the challenges ahead now we are hopefully back to a
normal bowling season and am also keen to welcome new bowlers.