Report from Clive Bryceson

All four Triples Squads had their first game on Saturday (two at home and two away) and all four won as below.

Sec 5B  Dolphins:  Captain Julie L-S  – Won on both rinks with 37 shot difference.  Top of their leagues with 6 points.

Sec 5A  Puffins: Captain Roger S – Won on both rinks with 23 shot difference. Second in league with 6 points.

Sec 5A  Seagulls: Captain Barrie T – Won one rink with 4 overall shot difference. Fourth in league with 4 points.

Sec 1   Swans: Captain Clive B – Won one rink with 5 overall shot difference.  Fifth in league with 4 points.

Seagulls had to play with one man down due to illness the night before but still managed an overall win.

But it proves that you can play with just two on a rink and still get an overall win.  The rules give detailed instructions on how the bowls should be delivered in such cases.

I hope everyone enjoyed their first game and were back home by lunchtime/early afternoon to enjoy the rest of the day.

Roger has a problem with a shortage of drivers for away matches but intends to manage this as best he can.

All the results can be found on the B&D website.

A long way to go but a very good start.