Clive Bryceson – 2023 Men’s Captain

Hello 2023 Bowlers
My wife & I joined the Swanage Bowling Club when we moved here from Maidenhead in 2006 and it is has been a major part of our outdoor summer activities ever since.  As this years Men’s Captain I look forward to navigating the introduction of four teams into the Saturday morning B&D Triples leagues and at the same time working alongside the Ladies Captain (Julie Lomas-Smith) and our team selectors.
If you are reading this page as someone who is thinking of taking up this inclusive and social sport please get in touch as we will happily arrange for a free “have-a-go-session” with one of our members.  Alternatively why not come along to one of our open days, the first of which is on Sunday 14th May at either 10am or 2pm.
Clive Bryceson