Club President, Mike Keats, raised £1,520 for Cancer Research UK. This grand amount was raised through club raffles, donations and a special open raffle for a ‘Steiff Replica 1926 Clown Bear’, a collector’s item donated by Mike.

Mike was pleased to present the cheque, on the season closing day, to Jim Rosewarn, the local representative of Cancer Research, who was a former player at the Isle of Purbeck IBC in Swanage.

Jim thanked Mike and the club and gave an insight into the ongoing work of Cancer Research. Mary Rosewarn made the draw for the ‘Steiff Bear’, the winner being Dominic Cockcroft of Branksome Park Bowling Club, who has been notified.

President Mike thanked all who took part in this successful fund raising.

Mike Keats presents cheque to Jim Rosewarn of Cancer Research UK

Steiff Bear winning number

Club Captains Jan Cherry and Tony Bell were thanked for the £390 raised on their Captain’s Charity Day, by Terry Buck from ‘Friends of Swanage Hospital’. Terry said he had been so inspired by the gardening work carried out at the bowling club by Ben Cross and his team and so this money would be handed on to the hospital gardening team, led by Dave George, to create a special bed in the new patient’s garden. This is visited by patients to give them ‘fresh air’ and enhance their wellbeing, and by staff as a place away from the bustle of the workplace, helping with stress and mental health issues.

The club ran a ‘Regatta spoons drive’ during Carnival week and raised a sum of £120, which was passed on to be distributed by the Carnival Committee to local charities and causes.