First National Competition Win for Swanage

This was a first time WIN for Swanage in the first round of the national men’s ‘TOP CLUB’ competition.

Well done, Clive, 2 wood singles, Brian, 4 wood singles, Terry and Paul pairs.

Clive raced away in his game, after 6 ends he was 8-0 up, in the 7th he gave 1 away but then continued on the rampage to go 14-1 up after 11 ends. The opposition pinched one on the 12 but after 15 ends Clive was unable to be beaten at 16 shots to 3 up so he won with 6 ends not needed to be bowled! (Opponent could only score a maximum of 12 shots)

Brian on the other hand had a ‘nip and tuck’ game. After 4 ends he was 3-5 down but ‘stuck in’ a four to go 7-5 up after 5, his opponent then took charge and went 10-7 up after 8. Brian, being the fighter he is, came back and matched the opposition when he took control after 17 ends was 17-14 up after the next three ends he was at the prescribed 21 shots up!

Terry and Paul, started as they meant to go on and took a 4shot lead on the first end, increasing this to 11-3 after 7 ends. Wimborne came back at them taking 3 shots on both the 11 and 12, cutting the lead down to 14-10, our lads, however, held the next 3 ends, going 20-10 up, coasting the next 3 ends and winning 20-14!

Unfortunately, we lost in the triples and fours, so that is all we will report on those two rinks.

We, therefore, WON the match 3 disciplines to 2.

Our next opponent will be either Blandford or Shaftsbury, yet to play.